A few words from our staff...
Our exceptional, friendly staff is our greatest asset. We have hired and trained only the best in our industry to facilitate your dental needs and educate you on optimum oral health care. Our team is excited about what we do, and pride ourselves in quality dentistry and patient communication.
★★★★★ 5/5
"The most rewarding and insightful team based experience I’ve encountered consists of my two summer internships at Harbor Square Dental. The office staff demonstrated firsthand how a true team functions in varying circumstances, from day-to-day routines to coping under pressure. The warmth and sincerity of every interaction fostered an environment of safety and respect, not only for the office employees, but the patients as well. This psychological safety allowed the team to perform at its highest level. Everyone realized they belonged, and that they would be supported through thick and thin. This nurturing environment leads the office to top tier performance year after year."

Nathan Filosi
★★★★★ 5/5
“I feel so blessed that I get to come to work in an environment where we all truly care about our patients and about each other. I love that I never dread going to work because we have such a good time together, I feel like I’m hanging out with my friends and family all day. Dr. Serra has cultivated an atmosphere where it’s easy to grow and thrive in the workspace. We do a lot of fun team building activities together and are constantly striving to perfect the patient experience because we all truly want our patients to feel comfortable and cared for in an exceptional way. I will never leave because I know what a unique and rare experience it is to be this happy and fulfilled at work. Dr. Serra truly loves her staff and her patients and it’s apparent by how much we all love her."

Randi Elliott
★★★★★ 5/5
“When I first interviewed for the position with Harbor Square, Dr. Serra was super warm and friendly, and Brooke and I talked for an hour as if we were friends. They made me feel special like I was already important to them. This is the same individual attention we show all of our patients.
The quality of dentistry is awesome and patient care even better! Staff meetings are actually fun and informative and Dr. Serra offers so many opportunities for us to bond with each other. Everyone feels like we are friends. I absolutely love my job!”
The quality of dentistry is awesome and patient care even better! Staff meetings are actually fun and informative and Dr. Serra offers so many opportunities for us to bond with each other. Everyone feels like we are friends. I absolutely love my job!”

Tanya Osborne, R.D.A.
★★★★★ 5/5
“I love working with Dr. Serra because she has such a high standard of care and excellent values. She is incredibly thorough and has excellent interpersonal skills. She truly values her career and her patients, which reflects beautifully in her approach to dentistry.
I love that we all have very similar value systems and high standards. We have a really awesome team and get along great, which makes work fun to go to everyday!
We love to take trips together as a team and we try to do a few fun outings each year together. We always have great holiday parties and are regularly treated to office lunches.“
I love that we all have very similar value systems and high standards. We have a really awesome team and get along great, which makes work fun to go to everyday!
We love to take trips together as a team and we try to do a few fun outings each year together. We always have great holiday parties and are regularly treated to office lunches.“

Katie Filion, R.D.H.
★★★★★ 5/5
“I am proud of our focus on quality dental care and confident that our patients are in excellent hands. We all go above and beyond most offices to be sure our patients are happy.
Dr. Serra is very down-to-earth, personable, professional, kind and caring. She’s a very generous and thoughtful boss and patient care and comfort are her highest priority.
I love all of my co-workers and am grateful to get to come to work and spend the day with friends. I enjoy spending time with them outside of work too!”
Dr. Serra is very down-to-earth, personable, professional, kind and caring. She’s a very generous and thoughtful boss and patient care and comfort are her highest priority.
I love all of my co-workers and am grateful to get to come to work and spend the day with friends. I enjoy spending time with them outside of work too!”

Brooke Hawkins, Office Manager
★★★★★ 5/5
“We treat our patients with care and understanding like they are friends and family. Our office is comprised of awesome women who work well together. I love my job, the people I work with, and our awesome patients we get to serve.”

Lisa Shoemaker, Patient Care Manager